Chasing The Sun: A Napa Adventure

April 15th, 2024

Hey there, it's me, your favourite shutterbug. I've got a story to tell you today. It's about an adventure I had with T&N in Napa, California. Oh, what a day it was! We were literally chasing the sun, you know. Picture this: the crisp California air filling our lungs, the vineyards of Napa stretching out in front of us as we ran through hail and rain. Yes, you heard it right, hail and rain. Who would have thought we'd encounter such weather in sunny California? But hey, we photographers are a hardy bunch, we won't let a little thing like weather stop us from getting that perfect shot.


So there we were, T&N and I, soaked to the bone, but laughing and running under the dramatic grey sky. We were waiting for the right moments, those fleeting instances when the sun would peek out from behind the clouds, casting a magical glow on everything. And when those moments came, believe me, it was worth every shiver and sneeze.


In the world of photography, it's all about capturing the essence, the emotion of the moment. And what a range of emotions we experienced that day! From anticipation to exhilaration, from exhaustion to elation. It was a whirlwind, a rollercoaster ride. And in the end, when I look at the photographs we took that day, I can see it all. The joy, the love, the adventure - it’s all there, etched in each frame.


This was a day that reminded me why I do what I do. Not for the accolades or the hashtags (though they are nice), but for the thrill of capturing moments, of telling stories through my lens. Of connecting with amazing people like T&N, who were up for anything, who trusted me to document their love story in the most authentic way possible.


Chasing the sun with T&N in Napa... it was a day I won't soon forget. And I hope that when you look at the pictures I took, you won't forget it either. A picture, after all, is worth a thousand words. In this case, maybe even a few thousand. Until next time, your favourite photographer, signing off.
